
House Soiling

by Nicole Rogers

Why does my dog urinate on upright objects?

Marking is a normal instinctual behavior and can be done as a territorial behavior or as part of an anxiety behavior.  Intact males are more likely to mark, however, marking can be seen in some females and neutered males.  If your dog is marking on objects in your home you can try moving the object to a room your dog doesn’t go in.  Appropriate cleaning is also important.  Pheromones left behind when a dog marks causes the behavior to continue. Use a pet enzymatic cleaner for any and all areas your dog marks or urinates on.

Why does my dog urinate when people come to the house or she greets new people?

This type of urinating can be either a submissive or excitement behavior.  Often times when a puppy shows submissive urination behavior, as long as she is not punished for the behavior, the prevalence will decrease as she ages.  Scolding or reprimanding submissive or excitement urination is counterproductive as it often leads to more urination.  If possible ask guests to not greet her right away to allow her time to calm down.  Only when she is calm allow your guests to briefly and calmly greet her.  By decreasing the initial excitement and anxiety of meeting someone new, the urination behavior should diminish.  If the urination behavior is a problem with the flooring in your home, it may be worth looking into pet diapers during training to minimize damage to your floors.