
Socializing and Training

by Site Administrator

How do I safely pick up or hold my cat?

Pick up from under the chest and support under your cat’s rear end.

How should I get my cat used to petting?

Your cat may be fearful of touch at first. Focus on getting him used to being petted gently on the middle of the back, moving your hand in line with his fur growth. Some cats don’t like to be petted on the head and others don’t like near the tail or the stomach. Pay attention to your cat’s body language, including whether they’re swishing/wagging their tails, to help show you when to stop.

Can I scruff my cat?

Scruffing is grabbing the cat’s fur at the back of the neck, just as a mother cat would do to carry or discipline. Scruffing should only be done by trained veterinary professionals, and even then, it’s only the mother cat who should ever scruff a cat, and only as a kitten!

How can I help my cat be less nervous?

Cats can be very reactive to loud noises or fast movements. Have children practice moving slowly and quietly around your cat and always ensure that your cat has a safe place to go that is dark and quiet (a spare bedroom works well for this) that can be your cat’s safe zone to escape when scared.

How can I stop my cat from doing things I don’t like?

Cats respond best to positive reinforcement, not punishment. Don’t hit or yell, as this makes behaviors worse. You can deter your cat from countertops using startle methods (a water bottle your cat won’t see you spray or “hiss” machines that sit on your counters and hiss when your cat jumps up), but in general, it’s best to place your cat on the floor and reward her for being on the floor instead of the counter with a treat and praise.