Robot Pets Provide Low Maintenance Companionship For Seniors

Often when a senior citizen has to move into an assisted care facility, they have to give up the companionship of household pets. The presence of a pet has been shown to relieve loneliness and provide some exercise and socialization opportunities. Some facilities will have a resident companion, or therapy dogs may visit regularly. But what about facilities where having an animal is not feasible, due to safety or allergy concerns?
Animatronic pets may be the answer to pet compansionship for senior citizens. Animatronic pets are robots that can perform some of the same actions as pets. Most will respond vocally when stroked, or will roll over for more
affection. Several years ago, Paro the seal became a big hit in Japan. Now there are dogs and cats that can share the love. Some seniors with Alzheimer's don't even realize the animals are robots.
affection. Several years ago, Paro the seal became a big hit in Japan. Now there are dogs and cats that can share the love. Some seniors with Alzheimer's don't even realize the animals are robots.
Perhaps the best news about having a animatronic pet is the low to no maintenance involved. You don't have to feed them and there are no litterboxes to clean!