Pet Rabies Cases on the Rise

The state of Tennessee has seen a surge in rabies cases in 2016, including four dogs and one cat dying of the disease. Two skunks and one raccoon also tested positive for rabies. The uptick in rabies cases has the state urging everyone to vaccinate their pets.
Rabies isn't only on the rise in Tennessee. Jefferson County, New York, for instance, has also seen 8 cases of rabid skunks, all since December 4, 2015. Central Pennsylvania has seen five raccoon cases, a fox, a bat, and two cats through March of 2016. North Dakota has seen seven rabies cases already this year, one of which was a dog, already surpassing the 2015 year-end total of just six cases. And this is truly just the beginning. Rabies counts are on the rise throughout the country.
Now more than ever, it's important to make sure your pet is up to date on rabies vaccines. Vaccinations can help keep your pet safe and help control the spread of this nearly always fatal virus. Learn more about rabies vaccines for dogs or for cats to keep you and your beloved pet safe! Also take precautions when allowing your pet outdoors. Keep them away from wild animals to the best of your ability by keeping them on a leash or loose only in traditionally fenced areas (which keep other animals out as well as keep your pet in) under very close supervision.