The New Anthrax: Is it a Risk to Pets?
A potential new disease has been discovered in Africa, and is currently being blamed for the death of not only some chimps and a few gorillas, but also some goats and even elephants. The culprit that has been discovered is a cousin to none other than Mr Anthrax himself.
Anthrax is caused by a bacteria, known as Bacilllus anthracis, and it has specific properties that make it so dangerous and different from other bacteria. Recently, a similar strain of Bacillus, Bacillus cereus, has been identified as developing Anthrax like qualities, meaning it now causes disease when once it didn't.
What does that mean for us and our furry friends? Luckily not much right now. Experts do, however, warn of the dangers involved in the illegal bush meat trade, that reaches all the way to the United States.
Want to know a little more? Check out the original article here and the peer-reviewed published journal article here.