Rule Number One:  Don’t use cotton swabs or probe down into the ear canal.  This just packs wax down into it and makes it harder to remove.  The ear canal in pets is long and has a sharp bend to it.  This makes it very difficult to damage the eardrum...

You know you love to travel with your pet. Dogs often love car rides and eagerly jump in ready to go. There are some, however, who either have motion sickness or are afraid of the car. A cat car ride doesn't always go as smoothly though! Cats...

Pet acupuncture is the placement of fine needles in certain parts of the body. It is used to improve health or treat disease. Acupuncture started over 2,000 years ago in China. It has been used in this country since the 70’s and can be a great option...

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie…the list goes on, and sadly, some of our Thanksgiving favorites are holiday hazards for pets. Use these Thanksgiving tips to keep them safe from holiday hazards this year! For...

Disasters and emergencies can occur without warning.  Disaster preparedness for pets is all about that one key word, being 'prepared'. You need to be prepared in case you have to leave your home suddenly or are forced to stay inside without utilities...

The statistics aren’t good. Our pets are packing on the pounds more than ever! You know chubby pets are becoming a problem when there is an organization called the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention! They conduct a survey annually to find out...

Household pet toxins lurk around every corner, and unfortunately, pet poisoning is serious and can be challenging to treat. It is much better to avoid the problem in the first place. There are several simple steps you can take to help prevent...

No one knows how many homeless cats there are in the United States, but estimates are up to 70 million.  Cats become homeless when owners allow them outdoors and they get lost, or when owners move and abandon their cats to fend for themselves. ...

Where do those cute puppies you see in the pet stores come from?  Most of them come from large dog breeding operations known as Puppy Mills.  You've probably heard of these places and heard about the many rescue movements in place to put an end to...

Having a pet first aid kit could save the life of your dog or cat if he is injured or ingests something and you cannot get to a veterinarian immediately.  While each item requires a certain amount of training and instruction to use properly, these...


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