Biting and Aggression
Why does my dog bite our house guests?
There are many causes for biting and aggression. If your dog bites your house guests it can likely be classified as territorial, protective, fear, defensive, or predatory aggression, and it is important to identify the cause of the aggression to implement the appropriate training method. Training methods implemented inappropriately can be dangerous. For this reason, we recommend consulting with your veterinarian to find a professional behavior expert in your area to identify the type of aggression your dog is displaying and the best methods of training to use.
Can biting be cured?
It depends on the type of biting. If we are talking about a puppy biting too hard while playing, then the likelihood of training that puppy not to bite humans during play or to soften bites to other dogs is good. If we are talking about an aggressive biting, while in some cases we can diminish the behavior through intensive training, we will not be able to know if that dog will experience the right circumstances to induce their biting behavior again, and any dog owner with a dog that has previously bitten should consider their dog at risk of biting and be very diligent about their dog and his surroundings.
My dog is aggressive to other dogs or other people, what do I do?
Because aggression is a complex behavior and can be triggered from a number of underlying emotions and experiences, it is in you and your dog’s best interest and safety to consult with a certified pet behaviorist. A behaviorist will help you determine what brings on your dogs aggression and can apply the appropriate training techniques.